A Series of Fortunate Events...

I love to drive on long road trips.. call me crazy.. but I do.  Maybe it's because you never know what surprises lie ahead. Or maybe it's being disconnected from all interruptions, decisions and choices. A recent trip took me through Kentucky on my way to Florida.  As I am driving through Kentucky I remembered a favorite artist I follow, Dreama Tolle Perry, who lives in Paris, KY. ( I always loved the way she hesitated after saying Paris on her blog radio show so for just an instant you thought France was rolling off her tongue next but beautiful Kentucky is home to Dreama)  So I looked up Paris, KY on my iPhone and found myself just 30 miles from Dreama!  hum... the nudges that come in the silence of driving.   So I sent Dreama a quick shout out on Facebook that I was waving hello from 75 South. 
Then humming along south off exit 77 I stopped at the Kentucky Artisan Center at Berea where I found this magical ring created by Rob Weingartner made from sterling silver with a Petoskey stone.  I'll talk about Petoskey stones in another post.. but I absolutely love them! They are naive to northern Michigan a place I hold dear to my heart.  If you find yourself near exit 77 you MUST stop at the Artisan Center!  It houses over 650 exhibits of Kentucky's finest artisans. There is a great café to complete the experience.  
Petoskey stone ring hand crafted by Rob Weingartner
Silversmith, Artist & Jewelry Designer

If you have the time... take a drive through the artisan town of Berea, KY.  Here is a great map.  My head was twirling side to side as I drove past streets filled with weavers, instrument makers, furniture artisans, jewelry designers, glass workers, potters, painters, sculptors and musicians.  

To view all my available paintings please visit:  Susie Morrell Portfolio
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