Will Run For Color!

Color Run 2013!
I ran this 5K for two reasons:

One:  because I am highly motivated by color when I paint and what better way to start my 30 day paint challenge then with the Color Run!
Two: because many illnesses are associated with a color so I ran in honor of the amazing people who have influenced my life and courageously fought for their health.  Some battles won, some lost.. but all left an impact that will never be forgotten.

PS.. on our drive home through Hightstown, NJ we stumbled on the most wonderful breakfast café called Roasting Post Coffee at 124 N Main Street, Hightstown.  I had the best.. and I mean THE BEST latte  served in a wonderful large fiesta ware mugs.  Was it the run? The need for coffee? or the great conversation with girlfriends?  But, this along with the kalamata olive/feta omelette was pure pleasure.

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